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Thank you for joining us for Key to Hope!

Plymouth Housing's mission is to eliminate homelessness and address its causes by preserving, developing and operating safe, quality, supportive housing and by providing adults experiencing homelessness with opportunities to stabilize and improve their lives. This impactful annual event is truly the key that enables Plymouth to continue opening doors for our neighbors who need warm homes in supportive communities.

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My Home, My Community

What is a home?

We asked this question at the beginning of your Key to Hope journey: what, exactly, is a home? You've listened to many people share their interpretations of home and community, and we hope that what you've learned here has inspired you to think deeply about how stable housing for all transforms our entire community.

Thank you for joining us for Key to Hope!

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Meet Searetha

Plymouth Housing Resident and Board Member

“There are so many people experiencing homelessness... They end up sick on the streets because their company shuts down, or they get sick, or they’ve been through domestic violence like me. Give back to people. Be kind and loving. With help, love and compassion, things can get better."

Searetha has lived at Plymouth Housing for almost ten years, and she's been a board member since 2014. In her own words, "When I first moved in, I wouldn’t speak to people because I wasn’t okay. I was still recovering from everything I’ve been through. Slowly, I started feeling more secure. I knew I could go home and be safe and supported... Now, I can speak with an open heart and open mind."

Searetha believes strongly in passing along the hope that she's been given. In addition to her work on the Plymouth Housing board, Searetha volunteers her time facilitating support groups for survivors of prostitution. She has also bravely shared her story on a national stage, speaking at a press conference for Senator Maria Cantwell and Congresswoman Suzan DelBene and advocating for additional public investment in affordable housing.

Searetha's keys to her very own home are also the keys to her community.

An image of a childhood photo of Searetha

Thank you for joining us!

Plymouth Housing thrives because of you

We hope that these stories brightened your day and gave you hope. We certainly wouldn't be here without our amazing community (that's you!). If you'd like to learn more about Plymouth Housing, visit our website or contact us directly.

If you're ready to make a difference, we welcome your support!

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